US Coast Guard have accepted Adult/Child Emergency Care
Recently the First Response Adult and Child Emergency Care (ACEC) program was reviewed by the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Much to our excitement (not really, we knew we would get this) the program was accepted.
What this means to you:
- If you are a USCG mariner, inform your instructor prior to the course and they will ensure you receive certification for "FIRST AID/CPR/AED (FRTINT-203)", which is the official course title accepted by the USCG. Please note, you will be required to use the printed materials for this course, as those are what the USCG reviewed.
- Our Adult/Child Emergency Care course meets or exceeds that of the largest competitors.
- Our Adult/Child Emergency Care course has been reviewed and accepted by a third party, which happens to be a division of the US Government.
Here’s some cool quotes from the USCG letter of acceptance:
“We have determined that this course meets or exceeds: The standards of the American Red Cross Standard First Aid or American National Red Cross Community for First Aid & Safety courses…”.
They went on to say “We have determined that this course meets or exceeds: The standards of the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association for CPR courses…”
Quick Summary:
- No additional costs or administrative procedures for students to be able to receive the FIRST AID/CPR/AED (FRTINT-203) when seeking mariner or similar qualifications.
- Printed materials must be used, no online. This was the way the USCG reviewed the materials.
- Standards for "FIRST AID/CPR/AED (FRTINT-203)" are the same as the current "Adult/Child Emergency Care" course.
If there is something we have not answered or questions you have about this or any of the other programs First Response Training International offers, please reach out to us by sending us a message through our site's chat box, emailing or calling 1-207-729-4201 (tollfree: 888-778-9073).