IT Resources

Welcome to the Instructor Trainer Resources page. This page has the materials and teaching tools for ITWs, instructor courses, and crossovers. Please reference the course standards for specific requirements and contact the training department with questions or concerns.

Instructor Development Course Resources

These powerpoints are to be used in instructor programs.
IDC Powerpoints
Instructor Academic Evaluation Form

Instructor Trainer Manual

This manual is provided as a reference before and after your Instructor Trainer workshop.
IT Manual

Crossover Documents

These documents and tools are for conducting crossovers of instructors from other agencies. Equivalent agencies can be verified by the training department.

Crossover Application

Crossover Costs and Incentives

Crossover Powerpoint

Gap Crossover

This document contains information on conducting a crossover for an active status SDI CPROX1stAED instructor.

Gap summary

This file is the PowerPoint presentation for conducting GAP training.

Gap Powerpoint