Online CPR Training

Can you do CPR training online?

Do you want to get certified but simply cannot find the time? Is it time to renew your certification? Did you know that you can easily complete online CPR training online and at your own pace or schedule? Online courses give individuals who are seeking their online CPR certification the opportunity to do so at their own time. Some online courses are completed entirely online whereas other courses offer 'Blended Learning' opportunities. A blended environment allows students to demonstrate their skills in front of an instructor and lead to a higher level of certification.

How do online CPR classes work?

CPR classes that are carried out online give students access to review materials and videos as often as they may like. Modules and videos can be accessed from a variety of different devices and at any given times. This makes it easy for students to achieve their CPR certification at any time and at their own speed. Materials for learning can also be seen at any time which gives students the ability to go back and review the information they previously studied at any given time.

Is online certification acceptable and valid?

Not all CPR training opportunities are made equal. Certain jobs require more extensive training and a higher level of certification may be required in order to fulfill the needs of certain positions and places of employment. For example, health care workers often need training specifically designed for individuals working in the medical field. 'Blended Learning' gives students the opportunity to achieve these more extensive certifications.

What is the difference between blended classes and online classes?

Online classes are completed entirely online. Students are never required to demonstrate their skills in-person and in front of an instructor. This type, of course, may not allow for students to get the certification that is necessary for certain workplaces or environments. In contrast, blended classes give students the opportunity to study in a classroom with an instructor as well as online. This gives students the ability to review topics online at any time and can make learning much easier.

The Benefits of Blended Training

  • Access to materials 24/7 online for review sessions and easily accessible learning
  • Gives students the opportunity to take their time with learning and go at their own pace
  • Takes some of the stress out of learning and takes away the pressures of the classroom experience
  • Certification is valid in numerous workplaces and career fields


First Response Training International takes advantage of blended learning to empower our instructors and students. Try a demo course here.

CPR training is a beneficial skill that can be a strong addition to any resume. It is also a certification required to be obtained for a variety of different jobs and places of employment. Online and blending learning opportunities give students the option to achieve their certification conveniently. Learn CPR easily and at your own pace without the added pressures of a strict classroom environment. Access learning materials online at any time to easily review materials and get a better understanding of any topic. Get certified the easy way with online and blended learning!

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