Entries by Rob O'Goodenow

Deteriorating Skills – The Lay Responder

Staying ready, able and in good practice to teach or perform first aid or CPR is no doubt one of the most important parts of obtaining those skills. Performing or teaching first aid and CPR improperly can not only hurt others in the process but can be extremely harmful to your community.

The Perfect First Aid Kit

We all know the umbrella theory… if you have one it probably won’t rain, but if it does, you’re prepared. You could think of first aid kits in the same way. In this article, you’ll learn more about the things you should think about adding to your first aid kit. How to think when you’re putting together a first aid kit and why.

Bringing First Response Training to Dahab

Since First Response Training launched in 2018 we’ve seen our courses taken by people all over the world. Recently a dive center and a group of divers teamed up to make their diving community an even safer place to be. Learn more about how they worked together to train truck drives to save lives and more importantly how that training paid off.

Question and Answer Session with a Pro

Learn more about being a lay rescuer from a Paramedic. This interview with Rebel Coombes will give you insight on how the law can protect laypersons in an emergency situation, real life accounts of laypeople helping before emergency medical professionals arrive and much more.

What to keep in your first aid kit for babies

Having a baby in the home can put everyone on high alert. While babies are pretty resilient, they still require special attention and care in almost every way. When you think about it that way, it’s easy to see why it would be a good idea to have a first aid kit specifically for babies. Learn more about what they need and what to keep on hand.

COVID-19: The Things You Need to Know

Do the news and media have you worried about Coronavirus AKA COVID-19? With companies, schools, and events shutting down and canceling, it can be easy to worry. We get it, that’s why we are taking the time to help spread information to keep you healthy and safe against COVID-19.

Heart-healthy foods

Are you eating a healthy diet that will help your heart stay strong? If you’re not sure whether you have a heart-healthy diet, we created a list of ten simple foods you can add to your diet to that helps safeguard your heart.

Returning to the Workplace with Confidence

Are you going to be returning to the workplace in 2021? There are steps you can take to make the transition into what life might be like post COVID-19. We’re breaking down the four things you can do to create a plan to return to your place of work feeling confident.