About First Response Training International

International Training Inc (ITI) formed First Response Training International to fill a need in the layperson rescuer market. ITI was experienced in developing materials and support for instructors conducting several courses in various activities, some practical and technically complex. ITI took that knowledge and applied it to the outdated and underdone layperson rescuer market in hopes of creating a better and more informed rescuer. First Response Training International strives to provide the most up to date systems for learning and the best customer service to providers and instructors.

Quality Instruction

Experienced learners know that the quality of their instructor makes a real difference to the quality of their training. First Response Training International’s instructors are among the leaders in the layperson rescuer training. Whether your instructor is a paramedic teaching on the side or a full-time workplace CPR educator, your First Response Training International instructor is not only certified but qualified.

E-friendly Organization

First Response Training International is an e-friendly organization with an ever-growing member's area. It features an online store, links to our associate member’s newsletter, and it’s available when you are, 24/7/365! Our elearning platform is built for the ease of students and instructor's alike. Access student progress reports and scores instantly and in real time. If we do something, we do it online.